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domenica 22 marzo 2020


Si osservi che il termine conservazione ha acquisito sfumature diverse in aree linguistiche e culturali diverse: all'interno dell'ampio bacino di lingua inglese si parla spesso di heritage conservation o heritage preservation; negli Stati Uniti, in particolare, è molto diffusa la locuzione historic preservation, con significati sostanzialmente analoghi
Significato di preservation:
the act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged:
building preservation
wood preservation
There is great public concern about some of the chemicals used in food preservation.
The church is in a poor state of preservation (= has not been kept in good condition).
The president has said that the government is committed to the preservation (= protection) of the country's national interests.

She belongs to the Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites.

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#STEP25- Un dialogo

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